Nothing is more important than your overall well-being. Live healthy, practice peace of mind. Let me help you.

Mohammed Al Zoubi
I am a counsellor and the founder and director of Glowing Minds. For over 20 years, I’ve been helping people heal and build inner resilience with my services as a counsellor.
Helping people is my life’s purpose, and it isn’t limited to my profession. I’m also an Imam and a Sheikh and provide my community with a safe space to talk about their issues as a community leader. Also, I volunteer as a loss and grief counsellor at funerals.
If you’re going through difficult times with yourself, your family, or a partner, I help you understand your emotions. I guide you on how you can heal and repair your relationship with yourself or with others.

Glowing Minds

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Here are some roles that I have partaken in the past 25 years:
- Founder & President, Auburn Islamic Community Centre (AICC)
- Co-Founder, Vice President, Verve Incorporated
- Founder & Director & Marriage Celebrant, Muslims Services
- Founder & Director, Glowing Minds
- Founder & Director, United Travel Centre
- Founder, The Auburn Interfaith Dialogue
- Public Speaker with Cumberland Council
- Community Leader
- Loss and Grief Counsellor at Funerals
Roles at Auburn Islamic Community Centre (AICC)
- 5 years volunteering for the Events Advisory Committee with Cumberland Council
- 2 years of volunteering for the Sports and Recreation Advisory Committee
- 3 years volunteering with Raise as a Mentor
- 1 year volunteering in PCYC Auburn Committee Member
- A regular volunteer with Cumberland Council
- President
- Imam
- Public Speaker
- Family and Couples Counselor
- Family Arbitrator
- Youth Counsellor
Education & Training
- Graduated from University of Jordan (Bachelor)
- Graduated from Sydney University (Masters in Economics)
- Certificate of Assessment and Training (RTO)
- Diploma in Interpreting (TAFE)
- Diploma in Travel and Tourism
- Certificate IV in Marriage and Funerals
- Student at ACAP studying Counselling - Diploma in Counselling
- Graduate Diploma in Counselling (current) ACAP

and pursuing Developmental Model 2

Completed Gottman Level 1 and
pursuing Gottman Level 2